About the Recipe
Great for snacks and dessert. Easy to pop into lunchboxes for the young and old! Very easy to add extras to this recipe to make exactly how you like.
This recipe is low in sugar so may not be for those with a sweet tooth.

2 1/2c almonds
1/2c peanut/nut butter
1/2c cocoa powder
2 large handfuls of shredded coconut
100-120g butter (melted)
4-5T coconut oil (melted)
1t vanilla essence
1t cinnamon
Optional extras: protein powder, LSA, chia seeds etc
Blend the almonds in a food processor (I like mine quite fine). Then add the rest of the ingredients to the processor and blend until mixed well. You're looking for a sticky consistency but not too wet. You can add more liquid if you need to so start with small amounts.
Roll into balls. Makes about 24 balls.
Store in the fridge or freezer in an airtight container. Keeps for quite a long time in the fridge.